Establish or expand your network and gain valuable information and interesting insights from the ARW community – even if you are not a reliability or accelerator expert.

What is the workshop and who attends
The workshop format of ARW means that the presentation sessions are complemented with discussion sessions which account for roughly 50% of the workshop time.
Topics cover facilities from the operations, physics and engineering perspective and participants represent people from all backgrounds including technicians, engineers, physicists, management and operators.
What former participants say
Visit our facilities!

A tour of both the labs is scheduled to show our outstanding capabilities such as our high brightness ring and linear accelerators, SRF labs, experimental halls, and cryogenic plant.
MAX IV is the first worldwide realisation of a fourth-generation light source, which has opened opportunities to develop experimental techniques based on outstanding brightness and coherence. The facility is in stable operation since 2017, currently delivering approximately 5000 hours per year on each of its three accelerators to a total of 16 beamlines.
European Spallation Source is aiming to be the brightest neutron spallation source worldwide, and has finalized the commissioning of the normal conducting linear accelerator. The facility is progressing in the construction project and preparing for beam on target in 2025 with an initial scope of 15 neutron beam lines and instruments.
Accelerator performance is key for both labs, and world-class reliability and availability are paramount for their user communities. Hence, both scientific infrastructures are continuously working to optimise these.

See you at the ARW 2024!
ESS and MAX IV are excited to welcome you to
Helsingborg, Sweden, at the SEA U conference centre from 2024-06-23 until 2024-06-28!
Please pre-book these dates and then JOIN US in 2024 in Sweden at a beautiful and stimulating venue overlooking the Öresund Strait which separates Sweden and Denmark!
Join ARW 2024 Now!
Registration is now open - on Indico.
For VISA guidance please check here.
General Inquiries: arw2024@ess.eu